Ruling Years : A.D (1165 - 1211)
King Narapati Sithu was the son of King Narathu and
Queen Myaut Pyin The. It is said that he had a sister but was not very
much well known. King Narapati Sithu's queens were Taung Pyin The,
Wailuwaddi, U Sauk Pan, Saw Sanay, Pan Yin, Daughter of the Gardener.
Queen Taung Pyin The was the great granddaughter of
the famous knight Nyaung U Phee during the time of King Anawrahta. She
had three children. Queen Wailuwaddi was the most popular among King
Narapati Sithu's queens. She was a simple village girl sent as the bride
for the King from Myin Sai. When King Narapati Sithu saw her first as a
village girl, he did not accepted her and gave her to his brother Zeya
Thura. But then she was polished and became a beautiful princess. King
Narapati Sithu came to know about her beauty and sent his brother to
war. Finally, he took her back as his queen. She had a son called Zeya
Thu. Queen U Sauk Pan had three children, Yazathu, Pyanchi and Kinkathu.
Queen Saw Sanay four daughters, Shwe Ein The, See
Khone The, Kyaung Taw The and Min Shew Chuu. Queen Pan Yin had no
children. The Daughter of the Gardener was not known by her exact name.
She was the one who took care of King Narapati Sithu while he was in bad
health. She had a son called Nadaung Myar. King Narapati Sithu
constructed dams for the cultivation. The people of Bagan became more
civilized at that time. He was also able to overcome many other regions
around and expanded his empire. The Sulamani Pagoda was constructed and
donated by King Narapati Sithu in A.D 1183. He also built the Thanpyin
Taung Pagoda and Gawdawpalin Pagoda. He also reconstructed the Palace of